Answer by GEE

1. Yo Gee! Whats up? Hows it goin? Hows Human mastication?
Thanks for the interview dude… Everything is fine here. We're just waiting for our full length cd will be released.

2. Can you share a bit of a history on how Human Mastication started? How did you came up with your name?
Human Mastication was formed in 2002, and the present line up is Jay – guitars, Siloy – bass, Kano – drums and Gee – vocals

3. How can you describe Human Mastication right now from the old Human Mastication? Any future plans for further years?
For me, our present material is more brutal than our previous works. The best thing is let the people judge for us. We don't have any plans yet. Just write and write new materials. That's it! =)

4. How does it feel that now mostly new bands from your city and others would consider you as their influence?
Hahaha! Ofcourse we are glad that they appreciate and admire our works…

5. Do you get also receive any critics from other people in your city especially to those which have not yet any idea from your type of music?
Yeah, a lot of critic! But honestly it is okay, we don't mind those critics because we know it is pretty normal. We still grateful to everyone who hates us, it gives us some challenges and inspirations creating our music... Cheers... =)

6. Do you agree that Davao City is mostly dominated by black metal? Do you also get along with other metal band from your city like black metal bands?
I don't have any idea.

7. In your lyrical theme, do you have any plans changing it?
I don't know. This time I really enjoy writing this kind of lyrics. But possibly in the future there some changes. Who knows?

8. In your coming release for your first full-length, what can we expect from your album?
Slammin Guttural Death Metal!

9. If you would not been Human Mastication, then what do you think you are right now if there was no brutal music?hehehe
A dancer?? Hahahaha…!

10. Can you name top 5 influence of Human Mastication?
Death Metal, Sex, Beer, Horror/Gore movies and Andrew E. hahaha..

11. How do you also react that everytime your on stage the crowd do some zombie pit?
COOL! For those who don't want to get hurt, then don't try to get into the fucking pit!

12. Do you have any plans on touring the country or other countries?
If there's some invitations, why not?

13. Any last words Gee?
Thanks a lot for your time doing this interview dude… More power to your zine. Human Mastication debut full length "Grotesque Mastication Of Putrid Innards" will be out very soon on Sevared Record! Keep your eyes on it… For more info visit: Myspace. com/humanmastication / Sevared. com