
VULVECTOMY-Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation
LABEL:Amputated Vein Records

A 100% unrelenting slamming brutality Vulvectomy from Italy brings you their debut full-lenght "Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation". An 8 tracks of pure slam death metal. A heavy production of groove riffs, gurgle guttural vocals and the cleanest of the drum programming that exact a slam death metal drummer. Vulvectomy is another band typical or influence of Devourment,Cephalotripsy,Inhuman Dissiliency,etc. But still they create one of the best slamming materials to hit the death metal scene. Their songs run from 3min-4min of ultra slamming tunes that your head and neck will really get tired of bangin. This is one masterpiece that you can't miss to have especially to all slam death metal fans. So what are you waiting for grab one now!

Rating: 9/10


GENITAL WARTS-Intense Ejaculation of a Perverted Slut(Demo 2008)
LABEL: Self-Released

From Southern part of the Philippines comes GENITAL WARTS a unrelenting slamming brutality gives you a unique new style of sickness of death metal. This demo cd entitled Intense Ejaculation Of a Perverted Slut brings you a 4 track of ultra slamming brutality that can really can tear your head down with their awesome riffings and breakdowns!Oh yeah! you really need to check them out! I want more tracks....

Rating: 9/10