Answer by Ralf

1.Hello Ralf! Hows it goin? How's abrasive?

Hi! I am fine. The same goes with ABRASIVE. We just finished the recording of a new 3 song promo.

2.Anything you would like to tell me a brief bio of how your band started?

We started in 1999 as a threepiece (Alex / bass + screams, Alex / drums and myself / vocals + guitar). Our first release was the MCD “Victim” which was totally Old School Death Metal. In 2002 we released our second MCD “Desire”. That one was more brutal and more influenced by brutal US style Death Metal. In 2004 we released our first full length CD “Devotion” an NICE TO EAT YOU Rec. That was in the same style, but more brutal. Our second CD “Awakening Of Lust” was released one and ahalf year ago and is so far our best and most sucessful album.

3.How did you come up with your name?Did you have some previous names?

Alex our bass player just looked in a dictionary. We liked the name. We didn’t have any other names.

4.How's the scene their in Germany?Are Nazi's also in the pit of abrasive?hehehe

The scene is OK. Nothing special. We have some good bands here, but most of them are not in our area. I don’t think that Nazis are into our music. Cause we hate Nazis and make a statement against fascism where ever we can. But in general there are a few fascist people here in the scene.

5.Can you name abrasive influences?

I think there are a lot of influences. A lot of old school stuff like PUNGENT STENCH, PESTILENCE, GRAVE, old CARCASS, ... and a lot of US brutal death metal bands like PYAEMIA, FLESHGRIND, SEVERE TORTURE, SUFFOCATION, ... A lot more to mention. But we try to put all those influences together in our sound and try to create the most intense and in your face music.

6.Aside from Brutal Sh*ts do you still diggin up some genre?like trash,black,hardcore,jazz,etc..?hehehe

Of course, I listen to a lot of Thrash metal. I really love KREATOR! Also I am listening to some traditional heavy metal stuff.

7. Do you have future plans?

We have a lot of plans. We try to put the new promo CD out very soon and play as many shows as we can. We also would like to do a small tour. Also we will right more new songs for the next CD. That one will be awesome, believe me.

8. What's abrasive doing during your free time when your not playing some shows?

Besides doing our jobs, that really steals a lot of time, we try to enjoy our lifes.

9. In your Awakening of Lust cd, Is this the much tough or we say hardest material that you did?

Yes, I think so. But I think the songs on “Devotion” are one the same level when we talk about brutality. But the songs on “Awakening ...” are much better.

10.Did you have find some problems in making this album?

We always could do something better or different. But we are satisfied with the result.

11. In your own words, How Abrasive will be different from other death metal bands?

I think we have that old school feeling in our music. The songs are catchy on the one hand and have a lot of variety one the other. Our music is raw, intense and in-your-face. We have constantly two different vocalists.

12.Did you have any rival bands or any hated bands?hehe

No, I don’t think so.

13.Last question bro...Any lust tips??hehehehe

Enjoy SEX! That is my lust tip. Just enjoy it. Enjoy your girl, look at her, smell her and fall in an ecstasy. Thanks a lot for the interview. Keep it brutal! Destroy fascism!

Thanks for answering my interview bro! gudluck to abrasive!=) cheers!
